a queer-youth-focused open mic for anyone between 12-25 brave and proud enough to step up. bring us your poetry, your music, your stories.
we do not censor content and complete freedom of expression is allowed. please scroll down for some community guidelines.
what you need to know:
WHERE: the big idea bookstore, 4812 liberty avenue, pittsburgh, pa 15224
WHEN: january 31st, 7-9pm
CHARGE: as much as you can afford, recommended $5, snacks will be provided
QUESTIONS: email, [email protected]
1. Don’t invalidate anyone else’s identity or experience.
2. Consent: sexual expression is allowed but if you make someone directly uncomfortable stop what you’re doing. If there is a conflict over this come to us and we will work it out (Silas, Valentine, Robyn).
3. Keep verbal positive encouragement for when a performer is offstage. Cheering, clapping, and snapping are allowed and encouraged while the performer is onstage!
4. If you think something in your piece could be potentially triggering, please warn the audience before you begin your performance. It is not a judgement on your piece if someone needs to step away, it is simply for their own personal health and safety.
5. Please be aware of how self deprecation affects those around you (e.g. suicide jokes, jokes about being ugly, jokes about not passing, jokes about your performance/talent).
6. If you see any of these issues coming up even if it is not happening to you directly feel free to bring it to our attention (Silas, Valentine, Robyn).